The Unlikely Sighters
By Imad Ahmed Director, New Crescent Society A personal blog from the Director of New Crescent Society. This blog is a personal tribute I would like to make to the Unlikely Sighters: 3 groups of people that I have met or trained that one might not expect to be trailblazers in this field. Each of these 3 groups have a great understanding of astronomy, and the science behind moonsighting. 1. The Towerblock Skygazers They go to the top of their estate once a month in Hackney, East London, to sight the moon. As an ex Hackney school teacher, I'm extra proud of this group; it's heartening to see the enthusiasm from the youngsters too. After a year of moonsighting at this estate, they've decided they want to try out some other locations. I've been particularly impressed by their local knowledge and ingenuity whilst they scout public parks, or map which person in their community has access to which rooftop. Their tower block features in our most...