'You Can Get it if You Really Want': Proof That a UK Islamic Calendar is Possible [Shortened Version]
by Imad Ahmed 18 April 2021 / 5 Ramadan 1442 The future of the Islamic calendar in the UK, insha allah... Summary This blog will be presented in two versions. Version 1: Will be a shortened summary, offering data proving viability of UK Islamic Calendar [this article] Version 2 : Will be a longer version, offering a full background to the Islamic Calendar in the UK, and further analysis/notes about the data, particularly around our experience of using HMNAO visibility codes In both articles, we make the same case, which can be summarised as follows: In the past: Local Islamic Calendar not Possible in the UK We did not have enough moonsighters in the country to have a functional Islamic calendar. Therefore mosques in the UK outsourced their Islamic calendar abroad - Saudi, Morocco, South Africa, or other countries. This is the root cause of why we have 'moon wars', and differing dates for the calendar, Ramadan and Eid. Now: Local Islamic Calendar possible in the U...